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Accessible Bible Community (ABC) at EBC

The mission of ABC at EBC is to share the message of Jesus Christ in an accessible, welcoming, and inclusive environment for children with special needs and their families.  We do this, alongside the community as a whole, by having adapted materials available at EBC, providing family support, sharing resources, and (above all else) prayer. 

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"  Matthew 22: 37-39

I'm a parent of a child with special needs.  What do I need to know? :

When you register your child for any of the programs offered here at EBC, there is a space on the registration form to indicate health and/or special needs.  Once a form is received with this portion filled out, a member of our team will be in touch with you soon after to connect, pray, and discuss possible strategies and accommodations that we can put in place to make your child's experience successful and positive. 

I'm a parent of a child with special needs.  Is there support for me?

Throughout the month, we have groups that meet for moms.  Moms' Group meets on the first Saturday of the month, and ABC Moms' Group meets on the third Saturday.  ABC Moms' Group is specifically led by relatable moms who are also raising children with special needs.  You are welcome to attend any and all meetings! Please see the church calendar for dates and details.  Please note: It is rare, but sometimes meeting dates may vary so be sure to double check the calendar.

ABC at EBC Moms Group FB Group

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