Eastport Bible Church
Sunday, December 8,2024
9:00 am & 10:30am Worship Services
10:00-10:25am & 11:30-12pm Meet & Greet
10:30am Nursery care (age 6 months to 2 years old) available during entire service.
EBC KIDS - (groups for Pre-K-K, &1-5) will be dismissed before the sermon. Stay up to date on news and information for EBC Kids! We’re now using REMIND: Enter the class code in the mobile app: @3224b4 or text @3224b4 to 81010
NEED PRAYER? Immediately following each service, Prayer Partners will be available on the stage to pray with you! All requests are confidential.
4:00-5:00pm Gingerbread Event building your own gingerbread house. (Brenda Tuttle 631-935-2918)
5:00pm Choir Practice (Priscilla Tuttle (631) 838-3315 or dcchem82@optonline.net)
7-8:30pm Living Room Church Basement (Jeremy 631-375-7159)
Mon.: Fiber Arts Group @ EBC @ 1:00pm (Cathie Gerhard 631-513-9718)
BIBLE in a Year Women's Study @ 7:00pm (Ingrid Johnson 631-495-4340)
Tues.: Men’s Small Group @ Moriches Diner 7:30am (Marc Rosado 631-885-5444)
Men’s Small Group @ EBC 5:00pm (Mike Remski 631-790-7335)
Pioneer Girls (3rd to 6th) 7:00pm (Esther Heine 631-325-9233)
Wed.: Prayer Gathering @ EBC 9:00am (G & A Schumacher 631-566-0945
Mommy & Me Playgroup @ EBC 10-11am Birth to not yet in Kindergarten. (Lauren White 631-428-5269)
Hangtime (K to 6th) 3:15pm & Children’s Christmas Celebration will be between 5:15-5:45pm (Laura Herr 631-448-1100)
Stockade Boys (3rd to 6th) 7:00pm (Nathan Tuttle 631-325-8986)
Small Group @ the Kempers 7:00 pm (Pastor Kaleb 631-443-2011)
Thurs.: ABC Mom’s Group @ 10:00am every 2nd Thursday of the month. We meet to seek God’s word & encourage each other as moms of children with special needs. Refreshments are served. (Nicole Raffloer 631-742-1953)
EBCYG 7-9pm (Jeremy 631-375-7159)
Fri.: Women’s Bible Study @ EBC 10:00am (Jane Stanzini 631-325-2779)
Sat.: Choir Dress Rehearsal 7:00pm
Thanksgiving Offering – For Thanksgiving this year we want to thank everyone who has given towards our New Building! Over $700,000 of our $900,000 goal has already been given because of you! If you haven't joined us yet, we'd love to have you as a partner in this dream! Please designate New Building on giving envelope.
Christmas Giving Tree
We love our missionary children. Please take a name off the tree, and write your name next to the child you chose on the clipboard. Please enclose the $20 (in cash or check made out to Eastport Bible Church) in the envelope and write a little note on the card inside. Then place it in the box next to the tree by Sunday, December 15th. Remember to pray for them throughout the year.
Four Missionary Projects – Give the good news of Jesus:
Motorcycles for Cross-Cultural Workers in Africa
Medical clinic for a Muslim Tow
Bibles for Carazo Ministry in Nicaragua
Basics for the Elderly in Nicaragua
After enclosing $20, place the envelope in the box next to the tree.
Christmas Cantata – Please join us as the choir presents this year's cantata, "Love is Born" on December 15th at 7 p.m. (Nursery will be provided)
Retired & Connected Christmas Party on December 19th @ 1:00pm. Join us for Carols, treats, & fun as we celebrate the birth of the Savior! No gift exchange but come and win a prize!
Joyful Jamboree Children’s Scuba Christmas play Dec. 22nd @ 10:30 Service
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services – 6pm (Nursery & Pre-K-5th) & 8pm.
EBCYG (Youth Group) (7-12th grade)
Every Wednesday Serving @ Hangtime 3:15-5:15pm
Every Thursday EBCYG (youth group 7-12th grade) 7-9pm
Every Sunday Living Room [Church Basement] 7-8:30pm
December 12 EBCYG
December 15 Living Room in Church basement 7-8:30pm
December 24 Jingle Bowl 9:00am
***To get EBCYG updates, text to this number: 81010 the message: @ebcyg18
THANK YOU! From Kathi & Ted Sadleir for the prayers, calls, meals, & cards during Kathi’s rehab from hip surgery.
Lauren White as she goes through chemo treatments.
Melissa Locrotondo’s brother, Nathaniel is recovering from heart surgery.
Friends undergoing cancer treatment - Bentley Kelley, Zack Skarka, Diana Jacobsen,
J-Nathan Nyakambiri, Joan, & Chloe Hand (7).
Jonathan, Brenda, & Emma Tuttle in Nicaragua & Wilson family in Africa.
Sermon: Jesus, Son of David