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*The Bible: We value the Holy Bible, the Word of God. Our church, and our very lives, need to be built upon its principles. Therefore we will provide various opportunities for all age groups to study the Bible.

*People: We value people. God has designed us to live abundant, joy-filled lives in a meaningful relationship with him. Sin has marred this design. Therefore, we can experience God’s love and plan for our lives through the grace of Jesus Christ.

*Salvation: We value the salvation that Jesus Christ alone can bring. His life, death, burial, and resurrection allow us to receive the free gift of eternal life. Therefore, we can enter into a relationship with God personally through his Son Jesus, and this affects every aspect of our lives.

*Prayer: We value prayer to Heavenly Father. Individual and corporate prayer is an integral part of Christian living and growth. Therefore, prayer time will be a valued ingredient of all meetings/services held at EBC and conversing with our Heavenly Father will always be encouraged.

*Family of God: We value the local Church, as a small part of the larger universal Church, the Body of Christ. God intends his people to be involved in authentic, loving relationships with one another. Therefore, we are committed to welcoming all believers and seekers to share our lives with one another, encouraging regular fellowship and small group involvement.

*Christ-Centered Living: We value Christ centered living. We recognize that our actions have eternal consequences. Life without Christ leads to eternal separation. Believers can expect eternal reward. Therefore, we strive to conduct ourselves in thought and action, in a way that is God-pleasing. We realize that our Heavenly Father is always watching over us and His Son may return at any moment.

*Transformed Lives: We value the changed life that comes as a result of a genuine relationship with Christ. Therefore, we strive to become transformed into the likeness of Christ as we obey God’s commands, are filled with the Holy Spirit, and practice the spiritual disciplines that develop godly character and distinctive lives.

*Outreach: We value providing opportunities for people to commit themselves to Christ. Since every person is made in the image of God and loved by him, we will use Christ- honoring means to reach as many people as possible with the life-changing message of God’s Word. The Gospel is relevant to all people and all times and must be communicated in ways that effectively reach all generations of people. Therefore, we will consistently evaluate the effectiveness of our ministry and when necessary, will encourage innovation and flexibility without compromising our mission and core beliefs.

*Service: We value that each and every Christian has been called and gifted to perform God’s work. Therefore, we are committed to equip people to discover, develop, and utilize their gifts in fruitful and satisfying service.

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